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Pacific Ecologist

The planet is suffering alarming problems cause by our deeply flawed systems and values, yet the mainstream media fail/refuses to consider radically different analyses. We have no chance of solving the problems unless we diagnose them accurately. The Pacific Ecologist has been willing to carry arguments on the necessity of fundamental social change and it is therefore making a heroic contribution. The very existence of the journal means many people appreciate its critical discussions - that's a cheer up in these depressing times - Dr Ted Trainer, Visiting Fellow, Social Work, University of NSW, Kensington, Australia

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Pacific Ecologist (formerly Pacific World) provides in-depth information on some of the most pressing issues of our times.

With articles by experts in their field, Pacific Ecologist offers accurate and comprehensive information on current issues in a format that is accessible to the general public. Recent issues have focused on global climate change, genetic engineering, agriculture and globalisation.

While focused on the Pacific region, Pacific Ecologist puts issues in a global context and includes articles by writers from New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Australia, the United States, Europe and across the globe.

Future issues will cover the relationship of different peoples with the Earth, water issues, development, roading, nuclear weapons and conflict, Pacific Islands' concerns, as well as issues with a mix of topics.

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  • New Zealand institutions: NZ$50
    Individuals NZ$25
  • South Pacific/Australia institutions: AU$50 or NZ$60
    Individuals: $A25 or $NZ30
  • Rest of the world institutions: ₤25, $US40 or $NZ60
    Individuals: ₤12.50, $US20 or $NZ30
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